Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, Veteran's Day

Hi All: Again today, Ron and I stayed home (we actually went grocery shopping), so the only contact we've had with Jer is by phone and Niki's report. When I last talked to him, he sounded good. I asked him if he wanted some homemade chicken soup brought up and I got an enthusiastic YES!, so that is good. He still likes his mama's cooking!! He said that the knee surgeon had been in today and removed the brace and changed the dressing --everything looked good from that angle. Tomorrow, they are supposed to meet with us to explain what exercises he can do, and that is still on schedule. His back surgeons were in also, and didn't have much to offer in the line of when the drain would be removed, but for some reason, we think that is tomorrow too. Of course, with the neuro guys, one hand doesn't know what the other did or is doing. Dr. Lee indicated to Jer today that they did not use glue on his back, but when they were doing the procedure, they specifically said--and now we will insert the glue--oh well!
Jer said he had a number of visitors today, and it was a good day for them to visit as he had gotten a good nights sleep last night. As we press on into another week, you continued prayers and concern are still very much appreciated. Please pass on to anyone who doesn't see the blog that we appreciate their prayers and concern also.
Love to you all. Carm


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear more good news. Your family spirit is so tremendous! Yes we are all praying for Jeremy each and every day, as well as for Zach. Tell Jer that I now have a couple calves (one from Gunning and one from Uncle Jim Gunning) here with the rest of my "herd" of horses and flock of chickens. It took the horses 4 days until they would come to drink (their waterer is by the calf pens)! They thought I had brought in Aliens I guess. Love, Kathy

Unknown said...

We are all so pleased to hear that Jeremy continues to improve.

Every one down here continues to keep you all in our prayers.

And yes we share your story with anyone that will listen. How many cards & from what states have they come Jer? My guess is LOTS.

Continue doing what you do...getting better and we shall continue helping with prayers thoughts and yes conversation. We love you all.
Pat and Henry

Anonymous said...

Hi guysI was so happy when I herd Jeremy could wiggle his toes.(even though that was a while ago) I, like many others am preying for good luck. So, Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that it was a good day. I wish that I was coming with Aunt Pam and Grandpa to see you on Monday. I miss seeing your smiling face. Who would have thought that with all the free time that I used to have that I would now wish that I had some of that back. And I thought that I needed to be busy!! Well Jer, your Aunt loves you very much, even if I can't come show you as often as I would like.

Love Aunt Angie

Anonymous said...

OH! P.S. I guess the speaker at the court house had some really good things to say about you today. Grandpa and Aunt Pam will tell you all about it. Just one of our many Veterans!! Happy Verterans day.

Aunt Angie

Unknown said...

Hello all!

I check in every day to find out Jeremy's progress. We are still praying and thinking of Jeremy way out here in California. Happy Veteran's Day, Jeremy! Niki, know that I am praying for you as well as and hugs are being sent daily! Stay strong and know that the whole family (and that's alot of people!) is praying for a speedy recovery!

Julie (Hoxie) Charbonneau