Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, 11/27
HI all: Thought I'd update you on the last couple of days here at University Hospital. On Monday, I got tired of being in the wheelchair and decided to become a touch independent--so I put myself back to bed--not a bad first attempt if I must say so myself! Of course, the nurses didn't think that I was cute, but they were somewhat impressed. From there, the Physical therapists decided that I had to show them what I could do, so I spent my therapy time in the room getting into and out of bed. For OT, they gave me a pair of pants--size 40x20 to put on--it's difficult to do with one leg straight!! I managed, but with some difficulty--sometime try it--sit on the bed, legs straight and put on a pair of pants--remember that my flexibility isn't what it used to be. I also spent 2 hours with some physical therapy students who bent us, twisted us and just plain studied us! It was a good experience, but tiring. From there, it has just been plain day to day stuff--getting more independent and learning to deal with non-flexibility. Thank you all for the support you have given my family, Zach and me--it is truly appreciated. And, Thanks to those who have helped on the farm or offered to help--my only thought is that I am really glad we were done with harvest when this happened--sure did make it easier for Dad! Talk to you again soon. Jer
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hi all: Friday flew by in a flash, and we didn't get back to the computer--sorry. I talked to Jer around 7 (just before we left for the benefit) and he said things are about the same--in rehab it was the same old stuff--more stretching and then more stretching! I think he will get bored with that pretty quick--he wants to work more on the walking part, but that won't happen for a few weeks yet--he still isn't weight bearing on either leg! To those who came to the benefit, and there were a LOT of you there, THANKS! The support is overwhelming!!!! I saw kids that Jer graduated with that I haven't seen since 1999--They could have had a class reunion there were so many! We also saw a lot of our friends from near and far, as well as a lot of people that we didn't know--Ron and I walked in together, and from that point, I never got to talk to him again until after 11. Hopefully, we got to talk to everyone who had questions for us--if not, give me a call!! With therapy going the same each day, I think we will cut back on the postings for the blog to 3 or 4 a week. That way, you will get "new" events each time. UNLESS of course something happens that we want you to know quickly. Thanks again for the support.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Day
Hi all: thought while I was here with Jer I'd update you all. His day has been good today--he had a short therapy session this morning, and then we all converged on the day room for our dinner. Val, Shaun, the kids and Niki and Zach joined us, which made for a nice dinner--sort of out of the ordinary for us, but never the less, we were together and thankful for the time we have had together. Tomorrow Jer gets right back into therapy pretty much full time. He has sessions from 9-11 and then from 12-3:30, so his days will be full up! But, he is looking forward to the work, and the pain that will probably come with it. There must be hurt to gain strength and mobility. I am going to show Jer how to get on to the blog so that he can update everyone when we can't be here to see him. With his schedule, we probably won't see him much during the week. Take care and hopefully everyone had/has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Carm
Wednesday 11/21
Good morning (Happy Thanksgiving)--I didn't get to update last night as it was late when I talked to Jer. He said that Wednesday was a busy day for him---3 hours of rehab, and lots of visitors. In Rehab, they are mainly working on his flexibility for now. He still can't do any weight bearing on his legs, so they can't try and stand him up or anything, so they will work on getting him to bend more easily. You know how it is when you first get up in the morning and every bone and muscle just refuse to move--well, now multiply that by 34 nights in bed!! We are going to Syracuse with turkey dinner today, so will get to see him and see how he really is doing!! He can tell me anything on the phone!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving--don't eat too much, but if you do, come to Seneca Lodge on Friday night from 8-12 and dance it off!! Love to you all Carm
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tuesday 11/20
I spoke to Jer on the phone again today, and he said to tell everyone that he is doing good. He had a very busy day at Therapy today--nothing new, just more of the same! He was quite tired, but he knows that is to be expected! I'm sure he's seen nothing yet!!! He has quite a bit of mobility in his left leg, and is eager to keep moving with that. He has 2 more weeks before he can put weight on the left leg, and at least 4 more before he can bear weight on the right leg, so he will be doing a lot of his therapy on his back and in a chair. This was a good week to start back up because it will be a short week with the holiday, and they don't do therapy on Sunday, so he's getting off easy! I am going to try and get him hooked back up to the internet on Thursday when we go up there, but I'm not sure what the situation is on the rehab floor, so I will have to do some checking. I know there are hookups, but that's about it--you have to have a "techy" turn on the internet. Well, I don't have much else to tell you today, so I will update you again tomorrow. Carm
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday, 11/19--moving day again
Hi all: I didn't get to see Jer today, but those who did report that he is in a really good mood today! He is back on the rehab floor in room 2218. He has a good view of the stairs in the parking garage, so if you park on the 2nd floor, you can wave to him as you go down the stairs. Hopefully this is the move that will get him "moving" again! A reminder that on Friday night from 8-12 at Seneca Lodge, there is a event of which a portion of the proceeds will benefit Jer's medical expenses. There is a $5. cover. Maybe we should all go and dance off some of the turkey and apple pies that we are going to devour on Thursday!! I will post more about Jer's happenings tomorrow night after I get to see him and talk to him about his day. Have a great day!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, 11/18
Hi all--we are sitting here with Jeremy--yes, we finally got internet connection in his room. He is doing well, and says to tell everyone hello and thanks for the support. He got the stitches out of his back yesterday, and tomorrow he will get the rest of the staples out of his knee. So, for the first time in 4 weeks he will be "stitch free"! Must be some sort of celebration for that don't you think?? They are still using the CPM (continuous passive motion) machine on his knee--right now, the bend is set at 90 degree bend. He doesn't seem to have any problems with the movements, so hopefully that means that it is healing appropriately. He is hoping to be in rehab by Monday or Tuesday, but time will tell. Hopefully he will be there by Thursday otherwise, we will have to all sit around his bed to have Thanksgiving dinner (could be interesting). The movement in his left leg is very pronounced now--and we are excited about that--of course, any movement is good, but this is wonderful. The right leg has some movement, but it's hard to tell how much as if he's not in the machine, he's in a straightleg brace. He can move the leg from the hip, so I would say that is good. Will post more tomorrow night--maybe have more news about possible move. Love to you all. Carm & Jeremy
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A BIG thank you
While I'm making cheese, I have lots of time to think, and decided that although there are MANY people to thank, there are a few who have helped keep this place running while we have tended to Jeremy's needs--I want to thank them personally--First, I need to thank Karyn and Zach, TJ and Josh--you guys have made staying in Syracuse much easier on Ron--he doesn't have to worry about the farm when you are around! Niki and Tim your house has been a Godsend to us--it's been nice to go and get a shower, a nice bed and still be close to the hospital when Mom felt she just couldn't leave! Larry Jaynes and Tom Brace, Justice Dale Jaynes and the residents of the Town of Catharine--for allowing Ron and I the time we've needed--and Larry you get an extra thanks because we know you are short handed, and then when the 2 Hoffman's take off, it leaves you scrambling!! To Chris, Val, Peggy, Aubrey, Robin, Todd, Taylor, Derek, Mark, Bobby and Becky & and my "queen" Lisa--where would I be without friends like you guys?? You have stepped up to help in the creamery when I needed you most!! Pat and Frank and everyone one else who has brought in meals--the meals have helped to take the stress off everyone--and it's wonderful to come home and find a meal in the frig! All you cookie bakers--the cookies have been a welcome treat to Jer and everyone who visits! Jeff & Jackie, Joelle, Jen, Nick, Rick & Kim, Crippen, Don & Mary & Gunner, Jackie G.--your support and visits have been a real moral booster to Jer--even when he is in a "pissy" mood, he seems to brighten when you show up!! Everyone who has visited, called or texted, Jer appreciates every second of your time. Val, he loves your "between class visits" and does appreciate seeing you even if he sometimes seems preoccupied!! I know I have left people out, and it's not on purpose! Please remember that our family appreciates EVERYONE of you more than you'll ever know. As we come on the Thanksgiving holiday, I know our family has a lot to be thankful for--we still have Jer among us to help brighten our days, and we know that with all the prayers, he will be back home on the farm before we know it!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday--one month later
Good evening! I spent today with Jer, and saw a lot of improvements!! Some I was expecting (his sister let me in one them) and some I didn't know about! He is able to pick up his left leg and then put it back down without it "falling". That is a BIG improvement! Today, started a new series of "tests". He has agreed to be sort of a guinea pig for Spinal Motor conduction and Recovery After Human Spinal Cord Injury. The purpose of the testing is to help better understand the manner in which muscle strength and nervous system function recovers after spinal cord injury. When he is all hooked up, he looks like he's ready to send signals to outerspace!! They use Electromagnetic stimulation to see how different muscle groups respond. It was interesting to watch! All the time they are conducting the tests, they have Jer hooked up to a computer that is recording things and a bigger computer sort of thing that records others things. They didn't say much about what they saw, but I'm sure they have to take it back to their lab and analyse the recordings. I'm not sure how many times they do this, but according to the paperwork, it may be something that they will want him to participate in even after he is back home. Time will tell. There was another CAT scan again today to check the status of his back and the spinal fluid leak--they didn't give any results on that either! He did say that he hasn't had a headache, and headaches are a sign of a leak--so that is good news. His therapy at this point, is getting up and into the wheelchair a couple of times a day. He'd doing good at transfering from the bed to the chair and back with minimal help--this afternoon, it was one nurse and I. Next week is sure to bring about some changes once the stitches come out of the back, and they talk about getting him back on the rehab floor. His knee surgeon doesn't want to let him out of his care for a while yet, so we will start rehab back on 2N. Have a good weekend!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, 11/15
Hi all: I talked to Jer by phone today, and he told me he was up in his wheelchair again. That had to feel good to him after almost 2 weeks of being flat. He said that they put a different kind of "stockings" on his legs, but didn't wrap them with the ace bandages. I asked how he was doing, and his response was "I'm still sitting, I haven't passed out yet, and it's been 15 minutes". Leave it to my son to be "cute". Remember I told you the nurses love him--one them even brought in her computer for him to use to check his email!! Of course, he had my laptop to use, but it makes it nicer to use the one from the nurse!! One of the nurses yesterday said that they weren't going to let him be discharged--they want to keep him forever!! Of course, we aren't going to let that happen!! :) We still aren't sure when we will be heading back to rehab, but it will be soon I'm sure. We will have more for you tomorrow as we are going back to see him again. Each new day makes us more and more appreciative that we live in this wonderful County! The support that we have received both financially and physically has been overwhelming-- We love you all--thanks so much! Carm
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, 11/14
Well, we are "back on the road" again--kinda sorta--what I mean is that they got Jer sitting up on the edge of his bed today, and have the knee bending at a greater angle--Both good things and big moves for him after being in bed for 10 days! The Neuro guys checked the back, and things are looking good--they are planning to leave things as they are for the weekend, and on Monday taking out the stitches. I asked when they thought he'd get back to rehab, and I got a "soon" response. I think they want to make sure things are really healed before they make that move again. The neuro guys also ask about headaches (that is a sign that the spinal fluid is leaking), but Jer indicated that he didn't have one this time when he sits up! That is wonderful news!! Tomorrow they are going to try and sit him up without wrapping his legs in ace bandages--they want to see if maybe he is able to manage his blood pressure now without them. He has a wonderful bunch of nurses, and he enjoys joking with them. They are always stopping in to see if he needs anything-- I think they like him and his humor. His spirits are up again, and that is nice to see. He gets rather tired sitting for now, but I'm sure that is because he's been down for so long. Well, that is about it for tonight. Thanks all! Carm
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tuesday, 11/13
This will be a short post as I wasn't in Syracuse today, but have talked to Jer by phone a couple of times. He said that they took the spinal drain out today, and everything looks okay at this point--it's just a wait and see game to see if the fluid builds up again. Hopefully it won't!! They also changed the degree of bend on his knee today--only a little more. They are taking it slow for now. He said that it had been a busy day with the doctors being in and out all day, so he was tired when I talked to him. It was also the first day that they have let him sit up in over a week, so I'm sure that tired him out some. Tomorrow I will be going back up to see him, so maybe tomorrow night I'll have a little more to report. Take care and again, thanks for the prayers! For those who have been asking, Zach seems to be doing good--he is busy working for Upland Game Preserve and for us on the farm, so he doesn't have much time to just sit and think--that is a good thing--it also helps him to see Jer doing better each day! We thank you for the prayers for him too--they have helped get over the hurdles!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, 11/12
Hi All: Ron and I spent today with Jer--he seems to be doing really good. The orthopedic surgeons came in and gave him the go ahead to start moving the knee--they actually prescribed a CPM machine that does the movements for him. Today he wears it for 2 hours each shift (goes by the nurses) and it moves to a 50 degree angle and then straight. Tomorrow they will increase the degree of bend, and probably the length of time it's on. It moves so-o-o-o very slowly for now, but they don't want to destroy any of the work they have done. The neuro team came in today also and clamped the spinal drain. Tomorrow they will take him for CAT scans to see if there is anymore pooling of the spinal fluid--if not, the drain will come out and we will be back on the move again. He is eager to get back to rehab. Today, he was showing off some of the moves he can do while laying flat. He is able to (although very slightly)pull his left leg up toward his butt, and he can press down with his right foot when the nurses put their hands on the bottom of his foot. We are VERY encouraged by these movements and hope that this is only the beginning of more movements to come. Again, I say the movements are minimal, but they are movements!
I will keep you posted on tomorrows events. Thanks everyone--I'm sure the prayers have done more than we realize!! Love to you all. Carm
I will keep you posted on tomorrows events. Thanks everyone--I'm sure the prayers have done more than we realize!! Love to you all. Carm
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday, Veteran's Day
Hi All: Again today, Ron and I stayed home (we actually went grocery shopping), so the only contact we've had with Jer is by phone and Niki's report. When I last talked to him, he sounded good. I asked him if he wanted some homemade chicken soup brought up and I got an enthusiastic YES!, so that is good. He still likes his mama's cooking!! He said that the knee surgeon had been in today and removed the brace and changed the dressing --everything looked good from that angle. Tomorrow, they are supposed to meet with us to explain what exercises he can do, and that is still on schedule. His back surgeons were in also, and didn't have much to offer in the line of when the drain would be removed, but for some reason, we think that is tomorrow too. Of course, with the neuro guys, one hand doesn't know what the other did or is doing. Dr. Lee indicated to Jer today that they did not use glue on his back, but when they were doing the procedure, they specifically said--and now we will insert the glue--oh well!
Jer said he had a number of visitors today, and it was a good day for them to visit as he had gotten a good nights sleep last night. As we press on into another week, you continued prayers and concern are still very much appreciated. Please pass on to anyone who doesn't see the blog that we appreciate their prayers and concern also.
Love to you all. Carm
Jer said he had a number of visitors today, and it was a good day for them to visit as he had gotten a good nights sleep last night. As we press on into another week, you continued prayers and concern are still very much appreciated. Please pass on to anyone who doesn't see the blog that we appreciate their prayers and concern also.
Love to you all. Carm
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday, 11/10
I just got off the phone with Jeremy, and he indicated that he basically is just letting his body heal from all that it has gone through this past week. He was just getting ready to go to bed and had the nurses "fluffing up his pillows" and getting his leg comfortable. Ron and I decided to stay home this weekend and see if we could get caught up on some of the "stuff". I worked the store today --first day in 3 weeks, and Ron and Zach worked the farm. We will go back on Monday when we will meet with one of Jer's doctors about his knee and what exercises he can do with it. Then, we are hoping that we can make some arrangements for rehab--regardless of where it is at this point. Not being in Syracuse, makes this a short blog tonight--but, in some cases, no news is good news. Love to you all. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Carm
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday, 11/9
Another long day is now over and with it we hope the last of the procedures. Jer had the spinal drain tested today, where they went and injected a dye into the drain to see where it went. There was a small leak, so they injected some glue onto it, and hope that it will patch the leak. When he came back from the procedure, he was in quite a bit of pain, but that soon subsided--he said it felt like someone kicked his a--. He's had a few of those days lately. He is again running a temperature, but they seem to think it has to do with the spinal procedure, and they started him on Tylenol tonight to see if they can bring it down. His knee seems to feel pretty good--right now anyway. They will keep that immobile for another couple of days, and then put it into a machine that will do the movements for him. We are hoping that next week we can get him back into rehab (either at 2N again or the Bronx). Of course, he is eager to sit up and get moving again, but this weekend will be a good time for his body to heal some before we get moving! Zach seems to be doing pretty good now--he came to see Jer tonight, and they had some time to catch up--Zach has been pulling a lot of weight around the farm for Ron so that he can be in Syracuse with Jer and me. It sure is appreciated! thanks Zach!! Well, that's all for tonight--we love you all. Carm
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday--knee surgery day
Well, the knee surgery is behind us now! Jer seemed to come though pretty good. Niki talked to the doc after surgery and he said surgery went well, and hopefully there will not be a need for any more. He is going to let Jer rest for the weekend and keep the knee immobile and then start moving it on Monday! Tomorrow he will have another procedure on his back. This one won't involve surgery, but they will inject a dye into his spinal drain to see if there is a leak someplace in the spinal dura (the original patch that they did on the 19th is holding very well, but they think there is a small leak in front of that one). If there is a leak, they will put some glue on the hole, and hope that it holds. His spirits were much better tonight than we have seen in a few days. Of course, he wasn't happy when they wouldn't let him eat--he had been without food since midnight last night. Then they came in and said --yes, eat until midnight tonight--then nothing by mouth until sometime tomorrow AGAIN! He is eager to get back to rehab, but he now realizes that he has to let his body heal some before he pushes it. Again, we would like to thank everyone for the tremendous support you have shown to our family and for all the cards, thoughts and prayers you have sent to not only Jer, but to Ron & I and the girls. Love to you all--Carm
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday, Nov. 7
Hi All: Finally a time and date for the knee surgery--tomorrow at 2 p.m. they will take Jer back to Surgery to fix the ligaments and tendons on both the inside and the outside of his knee. The ligaments and tendons on the front and back are shot too, but those aren't as important as the side ones, so they can wait. He will be in a brace for a long time especially during rehab, but that is okay with him! His spirits were much higher after he got the word that they will be working on him again. He is eager to get this surgery done as this will allow him to get back to rehab as soon as they remove the spinal drain. The drain will stay for a few more days. Things are looking good on that now, so we will see what the neuro people think. For those of you who didn't know what hospital he was in, he is in the University Hospital in Syracuse--on Adams St. Sorry it's so short tonight, but hopefully I can give you more details tomorrow night--we should know how his surgery went by then. Thanks all--love you. Carm
PS--I didn't mean to sound like Jer should have visitors everyday, I realize that there are times he does need to rest--
PS--I didn't mean to sound like Jer should have visitors everyday, I realize that there are times he does need to rest--
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, 11/6
Hi All: Today was a quiet day for Jer--he didn't have any visitors, but he was moved twice during the day. They moved him to 7B18 and because that is a 4 bed room and he didn't like it, they moved him to 7B22. He finally got to see the orthopedic doctors, and they indicated to him that he basically "blew out" his right knee--all the tendons and ligaments on the outside of his knee are "gone". They are referring him to a sports medicine doctor to get that part of his body taken care of--and he would like it sooner than later. He was hoping to hear something later today, but when we left at 9 tonight, he still hadn't heard. Maybe tomorrow they will come and let him know when they will work on it. Other than that, things are going the same as before--he is still required to lay flat or at least not over 15% incline, so he isn't up and about like he was before. He also in on a 2 hour rotation schedule--every two hours, the nurses roll him for one side to the other--he is not allowed to lay flat on his back--he has to be "propped" up some so there is no pressure on the spinal incision.
My plan is to go up and see him again in the morning and then come home to work tomorrow night, so I will update you again after that.
Love to you all. Carm
My plan is to go up and see him again in the morning and then come home to work tomorrow night, so I will update you again after that.
Love to you all. Carm
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monday--post surgical again
I just got home from spending the day with Jer. Today was one of those down days, he did a lot of sleeping, which is good for him at this point. He was running a temp all day, so they did a number of tests to see what might be causing it--the docs say it's not unusual for someone having spinal surgery to run a temp. He's also picked up a cough and they were worried that it might be pneumonia, so they took chest xrays (they came out clear). When I was leaving, the neurosurgeon was going into his room, so I waited and talked with him. He is pleased with the "patch" that they put on the dura, and told us that the fluid they removed from Jer's back was not infected, so that is good. Now we just have to see where the fluid is coming from. He is back to having a spinal drain in for the next 5-8 days after which they will do a CAT scan with contrast and inject dye into the drain to see if the dura is leaking any place. As for his knee--who knows! Niki and I waited all day for the ortho guys to come in and tell us what was up, and they never arrived. Again as we were leaving, the nurse came in and said that Ortho called and said "it's broke"--now what that means is left up to our interpretation I guess. Jer said that when they come in on night rounds, he will ask questions. He's pretty good at that!! The nurse who was the bearer of all the news tonight also said that they would be moving him again tonight to 7B--Jer's response--"can't I go to 7A--I didn't like 7B" The nurse mumbled something like "me either". So, we aren't sure if he will be moved in the morning or not, most likely he will be, and probably to 7B, but lets hope not.
As I've said numerous times in the past 2 weeks, you people are wonderful--your concern and prayers have helped us get through these first 2 1/2 weeks. Without your prayers, I'm not sure God would hear just us. Jer asked the other day how he would repay everyone for everything they have done for him--I told him to get better and we would worry about repayment later as I'm sure everyone just wants to see him walking again! Thanks all--love you Carm
As I've said numerous times in the past 2 weeks, you people are wonderful--your concern and prayers have helped us get through these first 2 1/2 weeks. Without your prayers, I'm not sure God would hear just us. Jer asked the other day how he would repay everyone for everything they have done for him--I told him to get better and we would worry about repayment later as I'm sure everyone just wants to see him walking again! Thanks all--love you Carm
Post Surgery update
Good Morning, or night whichever.
This is Niki and I just left the hospital(1:20am), Jeremy did well with his surgery tonight. The neurosurgeon said that the "patch" that they did 2 wks ago looks good, and is healing well. There was a small area of infection right at the incision site, considering the pressure that is on that area all the time this is not uncommon, unpleasant but not uncommon. They have cleaned out the infected area and closed his incision back up. The neuro team has sent off cultures so that we can be sure we are treating Jeremy with the right meds and that they will be the most effective. There was some level of concern about fluid around the initial injury site, and concern that it may be a CSF(cerebo-spinal fluid)leak from in front of the patch itself.... what does all this mean? It means that Jeremy will have the lumbar drain again for at least 5 days and that the neuro team will be keeping an extra close eye on Jeremy's care and progress.In 5 days the team will re-evaluate the drainage issue and repeat another CT scan. That is a bridge that we will cross when we get to it, but in the mean time... we wait. I have also left word that we would like to speak with the orthopedic team tomorrow morning and if Jeremy is going to be laid up for 5 days with the lumbar drain then we want the knee fixed ASAP, then maybe we can get back to rehab with all parts working and stable. We will see where we get with that.
When I left Jeremy he was still in the recovery room but doing well, he has increased pain in the back incision and they were keeping him medicated for that. He has a room reserved for him on 6J I believe, but as always we will update that as soon as we have official confirmation. Thanks You again from the bottom of my heart for all your thoughts, prayers, and help provided.
This is Niki and I just left the hospital(1:20am), Jeremy did well with his surgery tonight. The neurosurgeon said that the "patch" that they did 2 wks ago looks good, and is healing well. There was a small area of infection right at the incision site, considering the pressure that is on that area all the time this is not uncommon, unpleasant but not uncommon. They have cleaned out the infected area and closed his incision back up. The neuro team has sent off cultures so that we can be sure we are treating Jeremy with the right meds and that they will be the most effective. There was some level of concern about fluid around the initial injury site, and concern that it may be a CSF(cerebo-spinal fluid)leak from in front of the patch itself.... what does all this mean? It means that Jeremy will have the lumbar drain again for at least 5 days and that the neuro team will be keeping an extra close eye on Jeremy's care and progress.In 5 days the team will re-evaluate the drainage issue and repeat another CT scan. That is a bridge that we will cross when we get to it, but in the mean time... we wait. I have also left word that we would like to speak with the orthopedic team tomorrow morning and if Jeremy is going to be laid up for 5 days with the lumbar drain then we want the knee fixed ASAP, then maybe we can get back to rehab with all parts working and stable. We will see where we get with that.
When I left Jeremy he was still in the recovery room but doing well, he has increased pain in the back incision and they were keeping him medicated for that. He has a room reserved for him on 6J I believe, but as always we will update that as soon as we have official confirmation. Thanks You again from the bottom of my heart for all your thoughts, prayers, and help provided.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday 11/4
In life there are always the ups and the downs--today we had one of the downs (probably just the first of many). Jeremy found out this morning that he had torn the ACL on his right knee (now remember that is the only leg he can bear any weight on for a while), and he also found out that he has to go back to surgery tomorrow to have his back "flushed". I'm not sure what that all means, but I don't like the sounds of it. I do know that the incision on his back has not healed the way we thought it should, and finally today, someone else noticed! He has been complaining about his knee for over a week and on Friday, the one doctor decided that they should xray it to see what was up. We aren't sure what they will do with the knee just yet--they fitted him with a brace for now, but this sure will slow down his therapy. I will be going back to Syracuse tomorrow morning, so I will keep you posted! I would imagine that this will mean another transfer, so he will probably have another room number shortly--again, I'll keep you posted. I am praying that they don't find a lot of problems when they go into the back again, but only time will tell. Take care and keep Jer in the prayers while he goes through this next round of surgery. Love to you all. Carm
Saturday 11-3
Hi All: First I hope you all remembered to turn the clocks back (that way it won't look like I'm so late posting tonight)! Ron & I got to spend a good share of the day with Jer today, and participate in his therapy. It was good to see him doing the exercises they giving him to do. He is truly a fighter and works hard to do the things the therapists ask. As he works, it is evident that the muscles are trying to do the job--now they just have to do it! Everyone seems to be surprised at his progress. As you see by the picture, we got him into the recliner for a while today.He said it felt good to sit in a real chair again. He is getting pretty good at transfering from the bed to the wheelchair and back. He still needs some help as he can't get his legs off the bed just yet by himself, or back on but, I'm sure that will be the next thing he works on doing.
Just as a friendly reminder, the nurses in our family want me to remind everyone that when you go to visit, not just Jer but anyone in the hospital, with the spread of that nasty virus that seems to be everywhere, to please use the hand sanitizer just outside the door of most patient rooms. It is especially important with those who have incisions such as Jer has.
I will be calling his case worker on Monday to see is she can narrow down his transfer to the Bronx, but until then I still don't have a time frame for you. I'll post the date as soon as I get one.
Just as a friendly reminder, the nurses in our family want me to remind everyone that when you go to visit, not just Jer but anyone in the hospital, with the spread of that nasty virus that seems to be everywhere, to please use the hand sanitizer just outside the door of most patient rooms. It is especially important with those who have incisions such as Jer has.
I will be calling his case worker on Monday to see is she can narrow down his transfer to the Bronx, but until then I still don't have a time frame for you. I'll post the date as soon as I get one.
Friday, November 2, 2007
1st full day in rehab
Good Evening everybody, sorry this is so late coming in the evening.I left Jeremy about 830pm and he had definitely had a long day. Jeremy spent several hours today in either the gym or with the therapists and is working really hard at improving everyday. He is moving both legs and a little more everyday is what we hope all hope for. Jeremy wanted me to relay a message to all of you.... so here goes
I want to thank everybody for their thoughts and prayers,as well as the help that everyone has offered and provided. I am getting a little better everyday and hey... I moving my legs that's what counts, right!
I am going to keep it short for tonight because I am sleepy and can't seem to put together sentences that make sense. Mom will be back tomorrow and will fill you in better than I can tonight. Good night, and be safe. Our Love to all!!! Niki
I want to thank everybody for their thoughts and prayers,as well as the help that everyone has offered and provided. I am getting a little better everyday and hey... I moving my legs that's what counts, right!
I am going to keep it short for tonight because I am sleepy and can't seem to put together sentences that make sense. Mom will be back tomorrow and will fill you in better than I can tonight. Good night, and be safe. Our Love to all!!! Niki
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Another Move
Jeremy was moved to 2 North, the rehab facility at University Hospital today. He is excited to begin the rehab portion of his recovery. While I was there with him today, he showed me how he can move the legs (very little in one, a little more in the other)and he did better transfering from his bed to his wheelchair. This floor he is on is much better about "making" him do for himself than the other floors have been. He got out of bed and went to the patient dining room tonight for dinner--the first in 2 weeks, so he got to have a conversation with other patients. His new room number is N2210 (2nd floor). His new roommate was riding a motorcycle when an SUV turned in front of him--he and his girlfriend are both in the unit, and have been in the hospital since September. Tomorrow will start Jer's therapy in earnest--he has 3 sessions in the morning and 3 in the afternoon (9, 9:30 and 10:30, 1, 1:30 and 2:30). I have to guess that after that he will be really tired--at least for the first day or two. Sunday is the only day of rest on this floor--they work for the other 6 days. We are looking to transfer him one more time and that will be to the Bronx VA--one person told me it would be early next week, but someone else said in a week or two, so who knows. I guess we will just wait until we get concrete information before we make any plans. Cards can be sent to the same address, University Hospital, Attn: Jeremy Hoffman Rm. N2210, 750 E. Adams St. Syracuse, NY 13210. Love to you all. Carm
Everyone has been asking about benefits, but because we have other things to think about, we haven't really kept up with that! BUT with that said, we do have some dates for you--November 23 (the day after Thanksgiving) there will be the 1st Annual Autumn Jam at Seneca Lodge (cover charge $5.00) a portion of the proceeds to go to Jeremy--it is from 8p.m to midnight. December 2 at the Mechanics Club a breakfast is being planned--meeting to set this one up is Monday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. in the OMCS Cafeteria. December 7 the Buisch's Bullpen (the Melting Pot to all of us) is sponsoring a benefit. Sorry we don't know the details on these, but I'm sure that they will be advertised, and as we get more info, we will pass it along.
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