Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Birthday

Okay gang.... this is Niki and I have been given the opportunity to share that Jer is sitting in a chair as I am writing this. I just received a text from Joelle and she said that with the help of the therapists he is up sitting in a chair, he is not sitting comfortably but he is sitting up. I have to say that this is a pretty darn good birthday present.

I also have been given the duty of sharing some delicate information. Some of you that have been reading this may or may not be ready to hear what I am going to tell you all. I am sharing this info with you to help put any rumors to rest and so that we all can start to heal, understand and move on from here. Jeremy's diagnosis is "incomplete paraplegia" What this means is that Jeremy does have sensation of his lower extremities,but does not have movement.We are not sure if Jer will regain movement... and if he does what kind of function he will have. We are told by his neurosurgeon that it is unlikely for Jeremy to walk again. We are trying to remain hopeful and positive, and part of that means understanding what we are up against.

Paraplegia is paralysis from the waist down. He does have good movement of his upper extremities. The orthopedic doctor said that he can put weight on his right leg but can't put weight on his left leg, at this point because of the pin on that side of his pelvis. Jeremy is ready to start rehab and get going on his healing process.

Jeremy has orders that allow him to be moved to the 7th floor and out of ICU, but as of 3pm today he was still in ICU because there are not beds available on the other floor. Val came in today between classes and washed his hair, and shaved his face, so that Jer looks like the Jer that we are used to seeing. His IV fluids have been stopped and each time something is stopped or taken off it means that we are moving forward.

Please stay tuned to this blog for information on upcoming benefits that are being planned. As I find out more info on these I will pass it along. For those of you that have asked or are wondering Jeremy did not health insurance through the farm or as a bus driver. As some of you may also be aware Jeremy's enlistment with the military was complete July 30th of this year. Please continue sending Jer your thoughts and prayers, they are truly appreciated.


Montour Falls Bike Rally Committee said...

Jer and Zach,
This is the Kelley's wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and sending you all of our prayers. Stay strong, it's a long road but if theres anyone we believe can do it-it's YOU!!
Love, The Kelley's

Anonymous said...

my thoughts are with u and your family during this time.happy birthday

Mike & Peggy Tomassi said...

Jer, Happy Birthday Wish you could spend it the way you would like to.It was great to see you and the family yesterday, all of us are thinking of you. Mike,Peggy,Aubrey,& Patrick

Aunt Pam said...

Jer, glad to hear that you got to sit up today....that is defenitely the first of many milestones you are going to achieve. I believe that with continued faith and prayer there are going to be a lot more positive things happening with your recovery. You are so strong in both spirit and heart and that will bring you further than any of us think is possible. I love you.....

jhoff said...


That's a heck of a birthday present. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug! Know that I love you very much and that my thoughts and prayers are with you. When things settle down I'll call so I can hear your voice. I'll be out in the spring to see y'all.

Love, Cousin Jenn

Chuck and Chrissy said...

I hope your birthday went as well as could be expected. Hopefully Chrissy and I will get up to see you this weekend. Hang in there bro. You are too strong of a person for this to beat you. If anyone can pull through, you can. See you soon.

ffrebecca said...

Hi Jer!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;) Just talked to your mom and it sounds like you had a good (and busy) day. Wish I could have visited, but I will soon, I promise. Hope you had some cute nurses for your special day :) Love you lots!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you got my text message, and the Myspace comment, but here's one more! Happy Birthday! Remember, JEREMY HOFFMAN REFUSES TO LOSE! I've seen it many times, and you'll beat this into the ground, and I'll be there to help. I'll see you Wednesday. Love ya, bud.

daughterdawn said...

Jer, Happy Birthday. Glad to hear you were able to sit up today. It was good to see you yesterday. I have faith in you as do many others that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Stay strong and know you have many people praying for you and there if you need ANYTHING!!!

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you all know that i'm thinking of you. Happy Birthday, Jer! Love you! Keep your heads and your spirits up. Every one is behind you to help in any way they can. Let me know if there's anything i can do. I hope to get up there some time soon. Sending all my love.

Sandy & Angel Litwhiler said...

Please know there are more people than you can imagine or even know that are praying for you and your family at this time. Happy Birthday, we pray that you will make a full recovery. Miracles can & do happen all the time
Sandy & Angel, Odessa Methodist Church

Ed and Bonnie VanAmburg said...

Hey Jer;
Happy Birthday:
Nice to hear you are sittting up. Been thinking about you all day. I know things will get alot better for you.

Zach Hang in there and be strong i know you both have it in you.

Meghan Pieklo said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Just wanted to say that I am thinking about you and praying for you and the family!!


allyrosen said...

I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. If I can help you or your family out in anyway just let me know. You were personally a help to me on a call in Odessa, I was still new on the job and you made me feel very comfortable and at ease and I wanted to thank you for that.


Anonymous said...

hey jeremy this is matt zimmer and i wanted to wish you a happy birthday and tell you that my parents and i are keeping you in our prayers and hoping that you will get better and i know you have it in you to not give up.
your in our thoughts
The Zimmer Family