Sunday, February 15, 2009

Winter Months in NY

Hi all:
Thought I'd update you on some of Jeremy's adventures so far this year. A couple of weeks ago, he went Skiing! Yes, he actually doned a pair of skis, and hit the slopes--of course, he started on the bunny slope, but at least he tried it! He had a good time, but did find that he was a bit sore the next day. But he admits that he will do it again soon.
For his next adventure, he took the train from Syracuse to NYC to spend a couple of days with his roomy from Iraq. He and Koosh toured the city, drank some beers and visited with some of Jer's acquaintenances from Odessa. He had a good time and made it back in one piece.
Other than that, life is still moving along as we hoped. Jer is still doing the research project in Syracuse, and is waiting for a final fitting on a new brace that will use electrical impluse to help with his "drop foot". He can only use them on one leg at this point, but hopefully as time goes on, he can use two.
Enjoy the rest of the winter--hopefully it won't be too much longer or harder!! Take care and keep those prayers going for those in need of them! Love to you all.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all that are still following the blog! We have a lot to be thankful for this New Year's Eve. As of today, Jeremy is walking without the aide of a crutch, cane or any other device! It's a wonderful site to see when he walks into the house on his own power. He told his dad that the cane "slows him down"!

As we go into 2009, we are going to look forward to a wonderful year--one without the trials and tribulations of the past year. AND, we invite our friends to do the same. The year will surely have it's trials, but hopefully they will not be unsurmountable.

As I have said many times in the past, I am so Thankful for living in a small community and being part of such a wonderful extended Family of not only relative, but friends, (I feel that so many of our friends are family)! We have had more support than I would have ever dreamed of and it's all because of YOU! Thanks so much--please continue to pray for those still in need of God's help--Dana and Bobby and for Ron's continued health.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall has arrived

Hi All: I know it's been a while since we've updated, but as one person said--when there are no new posts that means things are going good AND, that is the case! Last month, Jeremy was thinking that he would have to have more surgery, but his neurosurgeon wants to give his body another 6 months to heal and then see how things look--I guess from the phone call that some of the fusions aren't healing the way the doctor thought they should--not as quickly as he had anticipated--but then he didn't expect Jeremy to be up and moving around as much as he is!! Jeremy helped his dad a lot this fall putting in the corn--he was the tractor man and Dad was the gopher--talk about a reversal of roles! There was one day that he even climbed into a silo--not a wise move, but he made out okay--got out without falling out! We continue to be impressed with his ability to get around--still uses the cane, but can go across the room without it (especially when the nieces and nephews steal it from him). His bus driving is going good--but he knows his limits and if he isn't feeling quite up to par, he calls in--they understand it, and admire him for not trying when he's sore and doesn't feel he can drive safely.
Saturday will be his one year anniversary--a day that probably won't leave my memory anytime soon! We will be spending the day with friends--thanking God for our miracle!! We will also reflex on those we have met along the way who have been in the same/or worse situations as Jeremy and ask for prayers for them! It's funny how tragedy brings people together and makes them friends.
As we come to the season of thanksgiving, lets remember to thank the one who matters most!! Thanks again for your loving thoughts and continued prayers--someday we will be 99.9%! Carm

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And, it's back to school!

Well, one week of school down, and things have been pretty uneventful (well, except for the first day when someone wanted to test the resolve--by the way, he didn't win). Yes, the kids were glad to have him back--even the parents came out to say Hi! He went back to Syracuse this past Friday to meet with the researchers and to have more CAT scans done of his back. The research appointment went good--they are still in the planning stages, so we aren't sure what is going to happen or when, but will keep everyone posted. The CAT's also went good and he got to see the films when they were done--he really wanted to see what his back looked like now with all the titanium! The good news is they don't think he will need the additional surgery that was orginally thought would be necessary. That's a relief for us all--Jer didn't want anymore surgery, and I certainly didn't want to sit in another waiting room!
The farm is in motion again as we are putting in corn now. The last couple of weeks, we pushed hard to get in some more hay (and the weather cooperated for a change). If you get to go by the farm, you will notice the new addition of the sausages (the white tubes in the field)--these are supposed to make farming a little easier on both Ron and Jeremy as they won't have to climb silos during the next year. You'll also see a new bob-cat loader roaming around the farm--we finally found one with hand controls for Jer that make it much easier for him to do farm work (now there is no excuse not to be in the barn once in a while).
Well, I will keep you posted as new things come up--until then, Happy Fall--lets hope it's a long one--I dread winter!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

WOW---summer's almost over!

Sorry it has been so long since the last update--summer has been a whirlwind around the farm, and in Jeremy's life. First, we would like to Thank Mike Tomassi and his family for putting together the Motorcycle ride! It turned out to be a great day--after one postponement, and Jeremy was Thrilled to be able to ride with everyone. He scares the hell out of me when he does things like that, but it's his determination that is getting him where he is today!! Things continue to go good for Jeremy. He is now walking with just his Grandfather's cane! He has passed all the necessary testing to return to driving school bus. He has an automatic bus, so the driving part will be easy for him--the kids might pose a challenge, but he's used to that, and they all WANT him to be back, so maybe they will be good for him for the first week!!! He goes back to his neurosurgeon in Syracuse on Friday--this time he will walk into the office. The last time he could have walked in, with his crutches, but he chose to ride in--didn't want to upset the good doctor. We have recently acquired a hand-controlled bob-cat, so now he can put in some more time in the barn. He could drive the other bob-cat, but wasn't comfortable with it--the foot pedals are hard to press, and all the motion is controlled by them. He has helped out with the field work this summer--cutting , baling and moving hay bales. The only thing he didn't do was help put the hay into the mow. He did some "directing" from the ground though!The Gator has certainly been a big help to him this summer--it gets him from his apartment to the tractor, to the barn and out to check fields. For some reason, it hasn't found it's way to the sweet corn patch yet though (He never did like picking sweet corn). For Empire Farm Days, it was his transportation around the show, and the mode of transportation back to the truck for the things he and his dad bought at the auction. Almost every day, he comments that it's one of the best "gifts" he's ever received.
Each day brings a new sensation to Jer's legs--some days he gets a lot of tingling, and some days none--we are still hopeful that he will get full feeling in them before long. One of the doctors told him that up to 18 months might be required to get things back, so he has more time yet.

As for Ron, he is doing good--it's been a rough summer for him without Jer's full capacity, but he has done okay--getting some kids who wanted to help out. Today he had a Doctor's appointment and the bloodwork is looking good. Next week we go back to the Cancer docs and they will do more indepth blood work to see where the "mutated" cells stand. The treatment he is on still tires him out, but that is to be expected--he just goes to bed earlier!

We still thank you for your continued prayers for Jer and Ron and ask that you include in them our friends--Dana Carr and Bobby Franklin. Dana is a parapalegic that we met through Val's work, and Bobby is like another son to us who was diagnosed with cancer just recently. That's 3 YOUNG MEN who desperately need prayers. Thanks again. I will post again this fall after we see how things go with the bus driving and the doctors appointments.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Well, we did it, we pulled off a total surprise for Jeremy last night. Thanks to the Horseheads American Legion, Jer now has a new "tool" to use around the farm. The Legions across the State of NY donated to help buy a JD Gator for Jer. He was invited to the Legion for a "small sign of appreciation" for something he had done in the past, and when he walked in, he realized that everyone knew something that he didn't know! He was "blown away" when the gator was driven into the legion! The wells wishes and hugs were overwhelming. His smile was hugh! Now he has no excuse to not help chase cows :)) Today, Monday, He will be in the Horseheads Memorial Day Parade with his Grandpa (who couldn't be prouder).
Other than that, his spirits still remain very high, and his detemination level higher than ever. He has been helping out with some welding around the farm, and doing some planting. He finds that a couple of hours in the tractor is about all he can muster at a time though as it's kind of rough on the back. Last week he told his dad that his next goal is to be back driving bus in September--now that is a goal for someone who was told they'd never walk again!
We'll continue to update as new things happen--or at least once a month! We'd like to take this to the point of him walking on his own--and we will see that day-- maybe sooner than later!! Again, as we have said in the past, none of this could have been possible without all the prayers and thoughts from people like you! Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts.
One other note, Ron is doing better--his blood work is showing improvement--they tell us he has 3 stages of remission to go through before they will declare him in total remission, and we are hoping to reach stage one before the end of the year--maybe he will progress faster like his son!! Love to you all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Benefit Ride postponed

HI ALL: Just a note to let you know that the ride scheduled for May 17, has been postponed to May 24th at the Odessa Fire House--registration is 8-10, ride will begin promptly after registration. For those of you coming from the North country (Syracuse, Rochester, etc) there will be a stop for lunch at the Petro (just down from the Outlet Mall in Waterloo), so if you wanted to join the ride there, you could do that and then ride the west side of the lake with the group. Of course, you are invited to come to Odessa first, and if you chose to leave at the petro, that's possible too. The plan is to arrive at the petro between 11:30 and 12 and leave from there at 1:10. If you need any information next week, please feel free to contact me at 607-857-5726 and if I don't have the answer, I will make sure I get it and get back to you!
Now for Jeremy's update--he is doing so many things that the doctors NEVER thought he'd do again! We are so proud of his drive and determination that it brings tears to my eyes when I think of how far he's come in just 7 short months. Yes, it's been 7 months tomorrow. For us the time has flown, but I'm sure for him it's been the longest 7 months in his life. One of the things he's found he can do is ride motorcycle (very cautiously though). He is riding his sister's honda low-rider and can balance that pretty good. What a shock on Mother's day to see him ride up the driveway on it. The only problem is getting off and carrying his crutches--but he will overcome that obstacle too!
This past week has been a busy one on the farm--Jer and Ron planted corn all week, while Zach, Chris, Val and Niki helped load planters and run supplies hither and yond. It was nice to have all the help as we are now all planted and just waiting for the 25th to start cutting the first crop of hay. That process is changing too as without Jeremy's ability to climb silos, we have to change how we put up haylage, so we are using the big white bags that look like sausages in the fields, so we have had dozers and rollers in getting that site ready.
Ron is doing better--his blood work is showing improvement. We have another doctor's appointment in June and hopefully we will continue to get good news.
Well, that's it for now--thanks for continuing to check in. God Bless