Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good evening

There isn't much new to tell you this week. I'm still doing the therapy, and working at the school part time (when I'm not running to doctor's appointments). I did get the MRI w/contrast done on my left shoulder, and the doctor says there isn't much we can do with it now, so we are just waiting. I continue with more dental work tomorrow.
That's about it for now--things seem to be progressing, but not at any alarming rate! I'll just keep doing what I do and try to get more and more out of this body! Take care and have a good week. Jer


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeremy, Thanks for the update. I keep praying for you and I know the Prayers are working!! God Bless You !!

Anonymous said...

You are always in my prayers. I love seeing you at the school games. Keep up the good work. I am sure that it is hard. More than any of us know. I love you honey. Sorry about that haircut!

Aunt Angie