Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all that are still following the blog! We have a lot to be thankful for this New Year's Eve. As of today, Jeremy is walking without the aide of a crutch, cane or any other device! It's a wonderful site to see when he walks into the house on his own power. He told his dad that the cane "slows him down"!

As we go into 2009, we are going to look forward to a wonderful year--one without the trials and tribulations of the past year. AND, we invite our friends to do the same. The year will surely have it's trials, but hopefully they will not be unsurmountable.

As I have said many times in the past, I am so Thankful for living in a small community and being part of such a wonderful extended Family of not only relative, but friends, (I feel that so many of our friends are family)! We have had more support than I would have ever dreamed of and it's all because of YOU! Thanks so much--please continue to pray for those still in need of God's help--Dana and Bobby and for Ron's continued health.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall has arrived

Hi All: I know it's been a while since we've updated, but as one person said--when there are no new posts that means things are going good AND, that is the case! Last month, Jeremy was thinking that he would have to have more surgery, but his neurosurgeon wants to give his body another 6 months to heal and then see how things look--I guess from the phone call that some of the fusions aren't healing the way the doctor thought they should--not as quickly as he had anticipated--but then he didn't expect Jeremy to be up and moving around as much as he is!! Jeremy helped his dad a lot this fall putting in the corn--he was the tractor man and Dad was the gopher--talk about a reversal of roles! There was one day that he even climbed into a silo--not a wise move, but he made out okay--got out without falling out! We continue to be impressed with his ability to get around--still uses the cane, but can go across the room without it (especially when the nieces and nephews steal it from him). His bus driving is going good--but he knows his limits and if he isn't feeling quite up to par, he calls in--they understand it, and admire him for not trying when he's sore and doesn't feel he can drive safely.
Saturday will be his one year anniversary--a day that probably won't leave my memory anytime soon! We will be spending the day with friends--thanking God for our miracle!! We will also reflex on those we have met along the way who have been in the same/or worse situations as Jeremy and ask for prayers for them! It's funny how tragedy brings people together and makes them friends.
As we come to the season of thanksgiving, lets remember to thank the one who matters most!! Thanks again for your loving thoughts and continued prayers--someday we will be 99.9%! Carm

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And, it's back to school!

Well, one week of school down, and things have been pretty uneventful (well, except for the first day when someone wanted to test the resolve--by the way, he didn't win). Yes, the kids were glad to have him back--even the parents came out to say Hi! He went back to Syracuse this past Friday to meet with the researchers and to have more CAT scans done of his back. The research appointment went good--they are still in the planning stages, so we aren't sure what is going to happen or when, but will keep everyone posted. The CAT's also went good and he got to see the films when they were done--he really wanted to see what his back looked like now with all the titanium! The good news is they don't think he will need the additional surgery that was orginally thought would be necessary. That's a relief for us all--Jer didn't want anymore surgery, and I certainly didn't want to sit in another waiting room!
The farm is in motion again as we are putting in corn now. The last couple of weeks, we pushed hard to get in some more hay (and the weather cooperated for a change). If you get to go by the farm, you will notice the new addition of the sausages (the white tubes in the field)--these are supposed to make farming a little easier on both Ron and Jeremy as they won't have to climb silos during the next year. You'll also see a new bob-cat loader roaming around the farm--we finally found one with hand controls for Jer that make it much easier for him to do farm work (now there is no excuse not to be in the barn once in a while).
Well, I will keep you posted as new things come up--until then, Happy Fall--lets hope it's a long one--I dread winter!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

WOW---summer's almost over!

Sorry it has been so long since the last update--summer has been a whirlwind around the farm, and in Jeremy's life. First, we would like to Thank Mike Tomassi and his family for putting together the Motorcycle ride! It turned out to be a great day--after one postponement, and Jeremy was Thrilled to be able to ride with everyone. He scares the hell out of me when he does things like that, but it's his determination that is getting him where he is today!! Things continue to go good for Jeremy. He is now walking with just his Grandfather's cane! He has passed all the necessary testing to return to driving school bus. He has an automatic bus, so the driving part will be easy for him--the kids might pose a challenge, but he's used to that, and they all WANT him to be back, so maybe they will be good for him for the first week!!! He goes back to his neurosurgeon in Syracuse on Friday--this time he will walk into the office. The last time he could have walked in, with his crutches, but he chose to ride in--didn't want to upset the good doctor. We have recently acquired a hand-controlled bob-cat, so now he can put in some more time in the barn. He could drive the other bob-cat, but wasn't comfortable with it--the foot pedals are hard to press, and all the motion is controlled by them. He has helped out with the field work this summer--cutting , baling and moving hay bales. The only thing he didn't do was help put the hay into the mow. He did some "directing" from the ground though!The Gator has certainly been a big help to him this summer--it gets him from his apartment to the tractor, to the barn and out to check fields. For some reason, it hasn't found it's way to the sweet corn patch yet though (He never did like picking sweet corn). For Empire Farm Days, it was his transportation around the show, and the mode of transportation back to the truck for the things he and his dad bought at the auction. Almost every day, he comments that it's one of the best "gifts" he's ever received.
Each day brings a new sensation to Jer's legs--some days he gets a lot of tingling, and some days none--we are still hopeful that he will get full feeling in them before long. One of the doctors told him that up to 18 months might be required to get things back, so he has more time yet.

As for Ron, he is doing good--it's been a rough summer for him without Jer's full capacity, but he has done okay--getting some kids who wanted to help out. Today he had a Doctor's appointment and the bloodwork is looking good. Next week we go back to the Cancer docs and they will do more indepth blood work to see where the "mutated" cells stand. The treatment he is on still tires him out, but that is to be expected--he just goes to bed earlier!

We still thank you for your continued prayers for Jer and Ron and ask that you include in them our friends--Dana Carr and Bobby Franklin. Dana is a parapalegic that we met through Val's work, and Bobby is like another son to us who was diagnosed with cancer just recently. That's 3 YOUNG MEN who desperately need prayers. Thanks again. I will post again this fall after we see how things go with the bus driving and the doctors appointments.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Well, we did it, we pulled off a total surprise for Jeremy last night. Thanks to the Horseheads American Legion, Jer now has a new "tool" to use around the farm. The Legions across the State of NY donated to help buy a JD Gator for Jer. He was invited to the Legion for a "small sign of appreciation" for something he had done in the past, and when he walked in, he realized that everyone knew something that he didn't know! He was "blown away" when the gator was driven into the legion! The wells wishes and hugs were overwhelming. His smile was hugh! Now he has no excuse to not help chase cows :)) Today, Monday, He will be in the Horseheads Memorial Day Parade with his Grandpa (who couldn't be prouder).
Other than that, his spirits still remain very high, and his detemination level higher than ever. He has been helping out with some welding around the farm, and doing some planting. He finds that a couple of hours in the tractor is about all he can muster at a time though as it's kind of rough on the back. Last week he told his dad that his next goal is to be back driving bus in September--now that is a goal for someone who was told they'd never walk again!
We'll continue to update as new things happen--or at least once a month! We'd like to take this to the point of him walking on his own--and we will see that day-- maybe sooner than later!! Again, as we have said in the past, none of this could have been possible without all the prayers and thoughts from people like you! Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts.
One other note, Ron is doing better--his blood work is showing improvement--they tell us he has 3 stages of remission to go through before they will declare him in total remission, and we are hoping to reach stage one before the end of the year--maybe he will progress faster like his son!! Love to you all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Benefit Ride postponed

HI ALL: Just a note to let you know that the ride scheduled for May 17, has been postponed to May 24th at the Odessa Fire House--registration is 8-10, ride will begin promptly after registration. For those of you coming from the North country (Syracuse, Rochester, etc) there will be a stop for lunch at the Petro (just down from the Outlet Mall in Waterloo), so if you wanted to join the ride there, you could do that and then ride the west side of the lake with the group. Of course, you are invited to come to Odessa first, and if you chose to leave at the petro, that's possible too. The plan is to arrive at the petro between 11:30 and 12 and leave from there at 1:10. If you need any information next week, please feel free to contact me at 607-857-5726 and if I don't have the answer, I will make sure I get it and get back to you!
Now for Jeremy's update--he is doing so many things that the doctors NEVER thought he'd do again! We are so proud of his drive and determination that it brings tears to my eyes when I think of how far he's come in just 7 short months. Yes, it's been 7 months tomorrow. For us the time has flown, but I'm sure for him it's been the longest 7 months in his life. One of the things he's found he can do is ride motorcycle (very cautiously though). He is riding his sister's honda low-rider and can balance that pretty good. What a shock on Mother's day to see him ride up the driveway on it. The only problem is getting off and carrying his crutches--but he will overcome that obstacle too!
This past week has been a busy one on the farm--Jer and Ron planted corn all week, while Zach, Chris, Val and Niki helped load planters and run supplies hither and yond. It was nice to have all the help as we are now all planted and just waiting for the 25th to start cutting the first crop of hay. That process is changing too as without Jeremy's ability to climb silos, we have to change how we put up haylage, so we are using the big white bags that look like sausages in the fields, so we have had dozers and rollers in getting that site ready.
Ron is doing better--his blood work is showing improvement. We have another doctor's appointment in June and hopefully we will continue to get good news.
Well, that's it for now--thanks for continuing to check in. God Bless

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May, 2008

Hi all: Sorry it's been a while since we've updated--everyone has been busy with the "spring things" around the farm, Jeremy included. Yes, Jer is able to help out on the farm on occasion. He can drive most of the tractors, so he can spread manure and do some plowing, discing and hopefully some planting very soon. Jer's progress still amazes all of us. He is able to take a few steps without using the crutches, which is a very big step for him. He still has the wheelchair around "just in case", but doesn't use it much now. With just 6 months past, we have come a very long way! I'm sure there wasn't a doctor out there that thought Jer would come along this quickly, but then maybe they never met a Hoffman before! Driving is coming along pretty good--he still uses the hand controls most of the time, but tries his luck with the feet once in a while too. It is surely nothing he could do for an extended period, but for very short distances he can use the feet. In my mind, I can't help but think that it helps to retrain those muscles/tendons to do things they haven't done in a while.
Sorry for the short post, but I think I've covered all of the important things. We'll continue to post as things come up that we think everyone will be interested in. Thanks again for the prayers and thoughts during these last long 6 months. I for one know I would never had made it through without the friendships, thoughts, and prayers!! Love you one and all. Carm

Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 13, 2008

Hi all:
Sorry it's been a couple of weeks since we updated. Spring has arrived and with it the spring field work that Jeremy has been setting goals on! AND, he did get into the tractor and plow one field. He admits that it's not easy, but he did it anyway. This week he is off to Tennessee to visit with Matt and Kristi--his first experience with airports since the accident. Wow, that's different--of course he lit up their machines like a Christmas tree when he went through with his braces on! The tore the wheelchair apart to make sure he didn't stash things in the wheelie bars or arm rests! Then there was the Pat down! I don't think they left off one inch of his body! He took it all good humoredly though--what else can you do?
When he gets back home, he's eager to get back into the tractors and help plant. He probably won't get home in time to plant alfafa, but he'll be here in plenty of time to plant corn and do the first cutting of hay!!
His therapy continues to go good and he continues to make progress. He says his knee is getting stronger, and the surgeon has released him from his care. Unless he decides to go back and have the other ligaments fixed, he won't need to go back. From what he was told, unless he decides to become a runner, he can do without the surgery, so he probably won't go back, but time will tell.
His neurosurgeon (not the one who did the surgery) is having him go for some MRI's to see if everything is still in place now that he's been moving so much. He thinks there might be a higher vertebrae that is causing some issues with the stiffness, but it's not something that they are too worried about. Those appointments are all next week, and then it will be two weeks before he goes for the results.
His driving is good. He goes all over--he drives to Syracuse by himself, and all around town. He's been Zach's transportation lately while Zach had his wisdom teeth out in Syracuse.
We haven't gotten the final total for the benefit at the Community Center, but it's someplace in the $10,000 range. Not bad for such a crappy weather day!
For those of you who are motorcycle riders, the Fire Department is planning a motorcycle ride for May 17, 2008--it starts at the fire house in Odessa and will be going around the lake--which lake I'm not sure, but it should be a nice ride--rain date is the next week.

Well, have a good week and enjoy our wonderful spring weather. I know I'm anxious to get out and work in the yard and flowerbeds! I've had enough winter and cold weather.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Spring

Well, almost spring--the calendar says it is, but the temperatures surely don't. Things continue to progress slowly. Jer is now practicing to walk with one crutch--he does pretty good, but has biffed it a couple of times! Oh well, just get up and keep going! He has been doing a lot of "paperwork" for the fire department--seems he can go and sit to do it, so why not?? The membership voted to give him his 2nd assistant chief position again, which made him feel that they have confidence in him and his ability to walk again.
His attention has turned to spring planting and field work lately. He is determined to be in the tractor helping his dad just as soon as the fields are ready--and with what we have seen already of his determination, I have no doubts that he will be out there!!
As for Ron, things are still going okay for him. He has some testing to go to this coming week in Syracuse, but that is just preliminary tests and don't seem to be a big deal. He still feels good and is back to work full time driving bus and milking cows, so that is a good step.
For now that is about it--take care and don't pull too many pranks on people on Tuesday!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

Thought I'd update today before I forget again (like I did last week). Things have been going good for Jeremy and Ron this past two weeks. Jeremy is progressing well--to us anyway. He's walking more and using the wheelchair less. He got the chair-stair installed on Thursday, so now he can "ride" to his room and bathroom instead of having to "bump" up the stairs. He has also gotten used to the hand controls on his truck and is enjoying the freedom of having his own vehicle back again. In Therapy on Thursday, he said they had him walking with one crutch!! That is fabulous. Hopefully being on his feet more will strengthen his legs and muscles more and make those nerves respond to him more. He has also started swimming at OMCS with the women's aqua arobics class. The swimming is good for him, but the first day after tells him which muscles weren't being used!!
As for Ron, he has returned to "full duty". He went back to milking cows on Thursday, so he had one day of doing both jobs before he got 3 days off driving bus (holiday). Other than being tired, he feels good and I think he's glad to be back to milking his cows. His blood work continues to come back good so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will continue to improve. We don't go back to the Doctor in Elmira until June. On April 4th we will go to Syracuse for some "preliminary testing" JUST IN CASE they have to do invasive procedures down the road--they want to be ahead of the game. It is only precautionary at this point.
Thanks again and still for the prayers and thoughts.
I'll be in touch again soon. Carm

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday 3/10/08

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! What more can we say!!! The support was tremendous DESPITE the weather. We would like to thank all the fire departments who help out at the benefit, and still were able to provide needed service to their own community during the storm. It was wonderful to see everyone and if we didn't get to talk to you, we apologize! The support of the merchants, and members of the community and the Class of 1970 OMCS (yeah, Ron & Carm are that old)was tremendous. As you saw, if you came early in either session, Jeremy was up and walking (with his crutches) for quite a while. It tires him out though and he had to resort to the wheelchair about 30 minutes into it. BUT, it's wonderful to see him up and moving, and each week he gets more strength and ability to do more.
It was also wonderful to get to meet Dana Carr in person! Dana and Jeremy share a similar situation--Dana also has a spinal cord injury and is in a wheelchair. Hopefully these two determined young men can become good friends and companions! Dana has only been home a week, and his family braved the weather to come up from Horseheads to be with us! Thanks Carr family it was GREAT to see you again!

Jeremy and Ron both have Doctor's appointments this week, so hopefully we can give you some more info on them both next week.

Oh, have you seen him driving??? Yes, Jeremy has been able to get hand controls on his truck and he can drive by himself. It sure gave him back the independence that he once had and missed so much! Now he doesn't have to "ask" Mom or Dad to take him someplace, he just ambles to the truck and goes!! PROGRESS!

Love to you all, and THANKS AGAIN!!
Carm and Family

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March has arrived

Hi all:
Just thought I'd take a quick moment and update you this week. Jeremy continues to amaze me with his progress. He is now using the "walking sticks" more than the wheelchair (although we keep it close in case). He got the hand controls on his truck yesterday and now has to practice to get used to them. It's neat how they work!! He continues therapy and has started to pick up some of the equipment to use at home as well. His goal is still to be able to help on the farm this spring, so he's pushing!!
We hope to see a lot of you at the benefit in Watkins this Saturday. If you are coming in from out of town, we have made arrangements at the Long House on St. Rt. 14 to give a discount--just mention that you are here for the benefit and they will discount the room.
Thanks STILL for the prayers and thoughts as we continue to maneuver through this life altering event. Carm

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb. 24, 2008

Wow, finally we remembered to post on Sunday like we are supposed to! The past week has been one of progress again! Jeremy went to see his Neuro-surgeon and was cleared for everything. This time they even gave him his walking sticks (as he calls them). He is able to "do" stairs (somewhat) and walk around the house with the aid of these arm crutches. He finds that it really tires him out, but he's determined to continue to improve and gain more and more strength as each day passes! Because the VA isn't impressed with him going up and down the stairs on his butt, they have ordered him a "stair chair" that will be installed in his apartment in the next couple of weeks. This next week, he will start working on getting his hand controls on his truck--that will really give him his independence!! He has to go through the VA for that too, and as we all know, the government works at a different pace than most of us--although they have been really great to work with so far!
For Ron, things have also improved. He has been pain free for the past 3 days, and the message on the phone says his blood work came back good, so we are hoping that things are turning around for him. He will try going back to work this week--to drive bus anyway and then work slowly into milking cows again. Zach has been doing the milking and Josh Haller has been doing the other chores, and that has been a life saver for all of us. As usual, friends and family have come through for us again. We are truly blessed!
Have a good week! Carm

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good Morning

Wow--vacations from school get us all confused--I was thinking that today was Monday, and here it is Tuesday already!! We have had a good week. Jeremy has been working on the "walking" a little more this week. He actually walked into the Dentist office on Monday--they were very surprised! At therapy, he is walking more and more with the aide of the crutches. This week, we return to Syracuse to see the neurosurgeon who did the work in his spine. After that meeting, we are hoping that he gets clearance to get his hand controls for his vehicle--that will definitely give him more independence! (of course that makes mother nervous--but I know he will be careful)
As for Ron, he's feeling better--sort of! His blood count is going back down, which is a good thing. He is still out of work for this week, but will try to go back to at least driving bus next week. The milking is still iffy--it's a lot of up and down and twisting and turning, so he may leave that to Zach and Josh for a while longer.
Thanks again for the prayers and concerns voiced!
Love you all

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb. 10, 2008

Hi All:
Thought I'd update you on Jer's progress this week as he doesn't have internet access. He has moved back to his apartment and seems to be doing well there by himself. He's an independant sort of person anyway, so I had no doubt he'd make out okay! In therapy on Thursday, he walked 26' with the use of the leg braces and the Canadian crutches. He was so pleased!! BUT, he was exhausted--that isn't a long distance to most of us, but when you haven't walked in over 3 months, it's a long ways. On Friday, he got his own walker, and strict instructions that he can't overdo it! Dr. Grier said that one can overdo and actually go backward, so he cautioned Jer about that.
This week will be more of the same--therapy! For a change, no Doctor's appointments though.
While I'm here, I will tell you that Ron is feeling okay--he's tired (we think it's the effects of the drugs) but he's doing what he can. He isn't going back to work just yet--some of the drugs don't allow him to drive--especially school bus. He has doctor's appointments during the week, so maybe by next weekend we will have some good news--or at least encouraging news.
Thanks for the new prayers and thoughts! It helps to know that we are supported by a whole realm of people. Love you all.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hi Again

Ron and I decided that we needed to put another post on today to update some more information. On Monday, Ron was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. According the the websites I've been on, it is a disease that one can live with forever if properly treated. We have begun the treatment process (pills he will take at home) with hopes that it will put the leukemia in remission in a short time. He feels good, and has permission from the doctors to do whatever he feels like doing when it comes to work. He will take the rest of this week off, and then go back to bus driving next week, and working on the farm.
It was certainly a blow to our family again, but as we said after Jer's accident, we will survive and thrive with all the love and friendships we have. The family is strong and our faith will help us get through these hurdles that we have been handed. Once again, we ask that you keep us in your prayers. Thanks Carm

Monday, February 4, 2008

It's another week

I waited until after the doctor's appointments today to try and update you with some news--BUT as usual, no new news. Jer was supposed to have CAT scans and an appointment to talk about getting the equipment so that he could drive his truck with the use of hand controls. AGAIN, that didn't happen. He has to be released from his Neurosurgeon and he doesn't seem him until the 22nd of February. Hopefully by then Jer won't need those hand controls--(I'm sure he still will, but it's wishful thinking on my part). Therapy continues twice a week for a total of 3 hours/week, and he's is making progress--even though it's small things now--but every little thing leads to one big thing eventually.
Take care and have a good week. Carm

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good evening

There isn't much new to tell you this week. I'm still doing the therapy, and working at the school part time (when I'm not running to doctor's appointments). I did get the MRI w/contrast done on my left shoulder, and the doctor says there isn't much we can do with it now, so we are just waiting. I continue with more dental work tomorrow.
That's about it for now--things seem to be progressing, but not at any alarming rate! I'll just keep doing what I do and try to get more and more out of this body! Take care and have a good week. Jer

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 22, 2008

Sorry about not posting on Sunday, but sort of wanted to wait and see what the Doctors said about the shoulder today. We went to Syracuse this morning for an MRI of the left shoulder--after about 2 1/2 hours and 2 different offices, we find that there is something going on, but not enough to be worried about (that's the doctor talking, he's not feeling the shoulder pain)so we aren't scheduled to see him again until April--maybe in that time, it will clear up! Jer was fitted for leg braces at therapy. It is hoped that they will give him to stability to stand and use crutches to walk with--we are hopeful they are right!
His working at the school is going good--he enjoys being back among the kids and the teachers. Usually, he only works from 2:30 - 6 but a few days they have him come in at 11 to work the study halls--of course, he'd just as soon be back in the bus, but that is a while coming yet. In a few weeks, we go back to Syracuse for his "driver training" with hand controls--that should be interesting.
Well, not much going on other than as he says, SSDD.
Talk to you again next week. Carm

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15, 2008

Oops--we forgot to update on Sunday as we promised! Jer is doing good--he continues to progress at Therapy, and still brings smiles to the nurses faces when we show up in Syracuse! (imagine that). Being the kid that he is, he was "bored" sitting home and just working on getting better, so he decided to see if the school could use his services. He is now an Aide for OMCS and loving it. It gives him something to do besides therapy and doctors appointments, which he squeezes into his day! The dental work progresses. Today, or maybe tomorrow, he has dental surgery planned to replace the tooth that was totally broken in the accident. He met with some new VA doctors yesterday, and was encouraged by their offers of help. And like all the docs, they were impressed with his progress to this point. The Orthopedic doc is going to take a look at Jer's shoulder in the next couple of weeks--seems that is acting up now, but the doctor thinks it may just be the stress of using it so much--he uses a lot of upper body to do transfers to the cars and such. Hopefully that is all it is and it can be taken care of with just some meds.
Well, that is about it for this week--appointments, appointments and appointments, but progress at each step of the way, so we are pleased! Thanks for the continued prayers and support! Carm

Sunday, January 6, 2008

1-6-08 update

Happy new year everybody!
I hope you all survived the night! my night was spent with jeff and jackie, nothing super exciting but nice to be out with some great friends and just have an enjoyable night with them. as far as my update goes, i'm not sure if i could be any happier with where i'm at considering where i was. ben has been really working the parrallel bars with me and i'm still trying to re-train my legs to do the "one foot in front of the other" maneuver, they seem to want to stand on top of each other as i take steps.The legs are making noticeable progress with strength and motion almost every day it seems so it keeps me pushing forward.
On friday zach and I drove up to syracuse to pick up my new chair (yes I still ride with him, hahaha I just make sure I navigate more precisely now!) the chair is all titanium so its really light and its a different style so it will take some getting used to. I already fell out of it on a sidewalk in watkins but no injuries so i just laughed it off and got back in it and moved on.
Well thats abou t all I have for this week so i will be keeping up with rehab for the week and ill update you all again next sunday. untill then take care