Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BOO-Happy Halloween

Hi all: Today was a wonderful day for all of us! Ron and I came home last night-it's the end of the month, and there are reports that have to be done, so we spent the day catching up! Then the phone call came from Jer--"Do you want some good news?" he asks--well that was a dumb question! Certainly we want good news--I figured they had finally gotten to go ahead to move him to rehab--but not that--he actually MOVED his legs. He can move the right leg better than the left, but the muscles in the left are telling it to move. The therapists are very pleased with his progress so far--especially considering that he gets only 20 minutes of rehab a day right now. We are still waiting for word from the Bronx, but he told me tonight that they expect to hear tomorrow from them. Lets hope so. It would be nice to get him into rehab so that he can be home for Christmas and maybe even Thanksgiving--of course he'd like to be able to go hunting--even if it's in a wheelchair for this year.
Will update more tomorrow night after I get to see him again. Love to you all.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another note

Not that I forget, but there is so much running though the little mind that it slips by--Just wanted to let you all know that Zach is doing good. He was in Syracuse today to do some stuff for his "army duty" and he stopped in to see Jer. He is actually helping to do chores for Ron so that we can stay in Syracuse. Our prayers have helped him to heal quickly! We love you Zach!! Thanks for all you do!

Tuesday, 10/30

Well, it was another busy day for Jer--I guess he might as well get used to it--once in rehab it will be all work and no play!! We are beginning to see some movement in Jer's legs--not a lot, but some--and everything starts with small steps. The rehab therapists all say that they can see the muscles trying to do their job, so I am encouraged by that. We are praying now that it will continue and get stronger each day. We still haven't settled on a rehab center yet. Jer would like to take advantage of his Veteran's status and go to the rehab center in the Bronx (they seem to have a speciality of Spinal rehab). If he has to wait to get into there, he will stay in Syracuse at the University hospital but will go to what they call 2 north. It is the "inhouse" rehab center. We were hoping to hear from the VA/Bronx today but didn't be the time we left Syracuse at 3:30 today. (yes, Ron & I came home for a while!) Hopefully tomorrow we will hear something more positive and can get moving. The longer we wait, the longer it will take him to recover! I know a number of you haven't seen him since he was hospitalized, so I am including a picture of Jer and the family on Sunday. It was the first day that "we" got to take him outside or even off the floor, so it was a big day for us (and him)--and besides, he had the nieces to help him with the wheelchair. Until tomorrow, Carm

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, 10/29

WOW, today was a blur of meetings, phone calls, and tours of facilities. And with that all said, we still haven't come up with a decision on where to have Jer rehab!! We think we have narrowed it to two places, but not really sure. Jer did well today, he was up in his chair twice, and felt pretty good both times. He did make it to the gym today, and they worked with him for about 20-30 minutes. Small things for now, but none the less, it was activity! Tomorrow, we are hoping that the VA doctors will get to see him and evaluate him for a possible move to the VA center in the Bronx, (of maybe Syracuse--although that is not our first choice). We thank those of you who make the trip up to see him. Jer does enjoy your visits. Sorry it's so short tonight, but there really isn't much to report. The important thing is that his spirit still is good, and his will has not changed! Maybe tomorrow night I can give you an idea of where and when we will be moving to a new place. Thanks again for the concern and prayers. Carm

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A great day

Hi all: Today was a good day for Jer--he got up in his chair and went for a ride--Taryn was the "driver" and Mackenzie was the "passenger" with Jer. We got to go outside and down to the cafeteria for a while. All in all, he was up in the chair for over 1 hour. We did wrap his legs and abdomen and that seemed to be the trick. His sensations in his legs seem to be increasing somewhat, but he has lost a lot of the swelling and puffiness that he was experiencing! Ron and I are going to be on the phone in the morning to see what Rehab center will accept him, and then we hope that it will be a quick move to wherever so that he can get going on the important stuff. All of his doctors seem to think that as far as his "trauma" is concerned, he is healing just fine. I know Jer was happy to see everyone today and especially because he felt good about being in a chair! The nieces were VERY HAPPY to see their Uncle Jer! Again, our whole family thanks EVERYONE who is in any way helping out! Each day you continue to amaze us with your caring! Love you all--Carm

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday- 10/27

Today turned out to be a pretty relaxing day for Jer and Ron and Carm--we had some visitors, not a whole lot today, so we got time to chat and work on setting in his chair. There is still an issue with his blood pressure dropping when he gets into the chair, but we have some ideas to help that--tomorrow the nurses will try some new things to see if it helps. They will wrap his legs in ace bandages and wrap his abdomen too. They think this will help to keep the blood in the upper portion of his body and that should help keep the blood pressure up.
Jer was glad to see Becky Tong Murdock--she came up from Pittsburg to see Jer and her dad. We haven't seen her in a long time, so it was a pleasant surprise to see her in the hall! Ron and I can't say enough to those of you who are helping to keep the "home fires burning"--oops I probably shouldn't say that to the firefighters huh?? Lisa, Peggy, Aubrey, Zach, Karen, Chris and Val--you guys are awesome! The work you've done for us is enormous and we don't know how we can ever repay you!! On another note, I got to talk to Tammy Kellogg today, she is such a wealth of information about the rehab stuff! Tammy's son is the boy who dove into the pool and injured the spinal cord. Along with getting into the chair tomorrow, we will really hit the rehab information and try to make an intelligent decision about where to go. There are a number of options, but it will ultimately come down to Jer's choice.==oh wait, his choice is at Johnson's or the OH--but I don't think they have the appropriate type of rehab!! We do Love you Jer!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday--one long week later

Hi all: We spent the later half of today with Jer. He was sitting up in the chair in the hallway when we got there--we weren't sure if he was happy to see us or if he was "high" on drugs, but he was waving away!! They took him down to the gym, but the movements make his quezy, and his blood pressure takes a dive to the cellar, so he didn't get to do any exercise, but at least he got to take a tour around the gym to see what they have to offer. When the brought him back to his room, they decided that he needed to be on another floor--so, he is now in 7A326--with all the moving, he got quite tired and wanted to get some sleep, so his company left--we said goodbye and of course, Mom tucked him in!! As usual, he is sucking up to the nurses! Some men never change!! But, we love him just as he is! talk to you all again soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday night 10/25

You people are unbelievable!! I can't even phathom the support we have received from everyone! Ron and I came home tonight for the first time since Monday for the induction of Ron's Dad into the Hall of fame. Jer really wanted to be here, and I was his standin--I took pictures and video for him. When we left today, he was waiting to see the physical therapists--AND, they showed up and took him to the gym. You can imagine that made him very happy because any of you who know him well know that he isn't the type to sit around and do nothing for even a few hours, so to be down for 7 days has been a killer for him!! We still don't know where he will be going ultimately for therapy, but I have certainly looked into a lot of places--the biggest thing is to get him accepted at some of them. Thanks to all of you who are looking into therapy places for us! I do appreciate it!!! I'll keep it short tonight--the girls have done good updating today--Val thought it was important that she post the pictures of him so that everyone will see what he IS GOING TO BE LIKE AGAIN!! All that fun loving, smiling Jer can't be gone forever!! A lady in the waiting room for the ICU told us that God loves those who smile and as you notice, in every picture there is a smile on his face! We will get it back with God's help and the support of all of you! THANKS! Love to you all.

A note from Niki

Good Morning everyone! This post is not going to be about Jeremy per se, Its about all of you. I sat yesterday and tried to start writing "thank you" cards, and realized that my hands would fall off before I got them all written. I started a list of everyone whom we wanted to thank and the list was endless! With that being said, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! From right at the beginning of this whole ordeal we have been given the love and support that is needed to come through this with strength and composure.
This is the short list, but a list of whom I would like to publicly thank at this point....
>Zach- for getting help on its way and never leaving Jeremy's side,
>Schuyler County Sheriff's Dept for prompt efficient dispatch, and response
>The Odessa Fire Department- Our other Family, nothing but the best. 'nough said
>Guthrie Air- Knowledge is power, Thanks You Kristy Diffenderfer-Stewart and crew
>Schuyler Ambulance- For being there and making the tough decisions! Keep up the good work.
>Arnot ER staff- Once again, nothing but professionalism and knowledge
>Mercy Flight Central- For the best Co-workers in the entire world! You guys are awesome! Your skills and knowledge encourage me daily!
>Upstate ED staff- The best of the best
>Jer's docs and nurses- Jeremy was brought to Upstate for a reason and its because you do what you do and do it well. Thanks
---Now for some more personal one's
*Jeremy for being the "rock" that you are and for keeping us positive and strong.
* Mom, Dad, Chris, Val, and Families for picking up where its needed and keeping everything running smoothly yet always seeming to be in Syracuse. Can't say enough.
* Joelle Cannon, Jen Wilson, Crippen, Fraiser, and Gunning for being as much support to us as you are for Jer. Your friendship to not only Jer but to the family is what dreams are made of... Thank You will never be enough.
* Kelly Brimhall Thank You for being the shoulder to cry on! I never would have made it through the weekend without you! Thank God for Vital Signs. ;)
* To the love of my life Tim, I Love You and Thank You for allowing my family to "take over our house", and for being so patient with me.
**To All my friends that I have spent countless hours with on the phone, your patience, and Love can never be repaid, but know that I am always here for you.

I know this is supposed to be about Jeremy and believe me, every thought I have is about Jer and what we can do to help him heal and get on the road to recovery! But, I had to find time to say Thanks to everyone that has been supporting this family night and day since last Thursday. I was definitely brought up in the best community in the world and truly feel blessed to have so many people that care about us! We will never say it enough Thank You! I know that I have forgotten people, and it is by no means intentional, Please consider yourselves thanked and loved!
Until the next time, thoughts and prayers, and we love you all. I am sure that Mom will update later today... as soon as she has any news and gets back to a computer, it will probably be this evening. I think that Mom and Dad will be heading home for the night, so that makes updates a little later in the day. Keep the faith! Niki

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, October 24

When we first got to the hospital this morning, Jer was a bit "down"--he has been waiting to see a dentist to help try and secure his front tooth, and he has been told that they were taking the spinal drain out today--well, guess what--no on the dentist and no on the drain. He can't start physical therapy with the drain, so again no gym. But, by the time Ron and I left the hospital at 8:00 p.m. tonight, his spirits were up quite a bit--he got his teeth "fixed" and they sent the physical therapists up to talk to him and also the occupational therapists. Again they say they will remove the drain tomorrow--hopefully this is for real!! Jer's friends continue to come and see him daily, and his sisters have been fantastic--but then everyone knows how they love their "little" brother!! Everyone has been fantastic, and we are very appreciative of all the support! I can tell you that even from Syracuse, we can "feel the love". I don't know if I an overusing the words, but THANKS SO MUCH!! We love you all and I think we will see your prayers working as we progress through this. I continue to look for the best therapy place for Jer with his injuries--thank you all for the suggestions we are checking them all out! Carm

Zach's condition

On Monday, Zach was told that his wrist was indeed broken, so they set up an appointment, and he went to the ortho people--well, the wrist wasn't broken-- he is really a quick healer--or maybe it wasn't broke at all--no one really knows! We are hoping to be able to update everyone as to where we might be going to for rehab later today--we have begun talking to the planner, but have to do more talking/planning! Have a good day--we will be in touch! Carm

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday night 10/23

It's Carm again--Ron and I just left Jeremy's room, and he is doing really good. Like Niki said, he is eager to get started on Therapy--they talked about taking him down to the gym today, but didn't do it--not a big surprise there! We are hoping that he can start tomorrow. Also tomorrow we start talking about where he will continue his therapy once he gets discharged from Syracuse. There are a number of options, but we have to sit together and make a decision together--I don't want to take him to Georgia or Colorado if he doesn't really want to be that far from home and especially is there is a GOOD Therapy place around here. Time will tell. He was so excited today to see his Roommate from Iraq! He drove up from NYC this morning and spent all day with Jer--he even got to go to lunch with some of my family to the Dinosaur Barbeque--and they brought some back for Jer! The nurses on this floor have already begun to love Jer--the one nurse said that he just brightens the room--but then they aren't telling us anything we didn't already know!! Well, I'll keep this one short for tonight and hope to be able to give you more information tomorrow night. Thanks for the continued prayers! Jer is determined that this isn't going to get him down, and those prayers will help!! Carm

Hospital address and room number

Good Afternoon all,
I snuck out of work(hehe, with permission of course)and went up to see Jer in his room. It was definately a busy day for Jeremy. There have many of you that have made the trek in lousy weather to see him. It is overwhelming to see how many people this affects. I wanted to put the address on here so if anyone wanted to send cards or letters they had the address.
The address is University Hospital
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
ATTN: Jeremy Hoffman Rm 7B-7118
I don't know about you guys but that reminds me of the "old days"... you know paper and pencil. LOL It is as scary for me as it is all of you.
Jeremy is ready and willing to get working on physical therapy, I think that if he could do therapy 24/7 he would. I will have someone update more later. All my love and thanks Niki


Good news--I just called the hospital and they moved Jeremy to his own room on 7B-118. He actually answered the phone when I called, so that was a pleasant surprise! His friend from Iraq--the one he calls the Russian Joo (Jew) had just walked into the room, so I didn't keep him on the phone long--no idea how he feels, but if the tone of voice tells me anything, he was ALL smiles when Khoosh walked in! I'll keep you posted and let everyone know how the discharge plan is going--I know a number of you want to see him on the weekend and we will definitely let you know where he is moving to and when. LOVE YOU ALL

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, Oct. 22

Hi all--this is Carm again--Niki told you all some of what I had for tonight, so I thought I'd give you the "lighter" side of today! Jeremy did get to sit up, and he enjoyed it--UNTIL they put him in the wheelchair--he said that was a bit uncomfortable, but he tolerated it like the trooper he has been through this whole thing! The nice part about a wheelchair is that it's moveable, so the nurses took him outside to enjoy the nice weather on his birthday! It's not been many times that he could be outside on his B-day in a thin little gown!! (now isn't that a picture to behold???) Some of the nurses got together and bought him balloons to help brighten his day--then Joelle and Jen came with more balloons and party decorations so his room looked like we were ready for a "real" party--the only thing missing was the beverage of choice (beer).
Overall, he was up in the chair for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, and was very glad to get back into bed. He actually got to eat "real" food today too--no more jello and broth. The nurses got a kick out of what he said the broth tasted like!! He was quite colorful!!
As Niki said, they had not moved him by 3 or 4 or 5 or 6, but think that in the middle of the night they might move him--now does that make a lot of sense?? We will hope that he is moved in the morning--they had a bed for him, but he couldn't go to the floor because of the spinal drain--he needs more care on that--so back on hold!
One of the things that all the staff at Syracuse have said is how positive and fun he is to have around--now I can't imagine that--no really, they have enjoyed having him in the unit--I think that might be why they don't have a bed anyplace else--they love him like we all do!!
Tomorrow Ron and I will be talking to the discharge people about Rehab facilities. I was surprised that they suggested it at this point, but I guess the only thing holding him from going to rehab is the spinal drain. I haven't heard any time frame about getting that out, but one nurse said it could be as early as this weekend. I will keep you all posted!
I will keep saying this until I'm blue in the face--THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THE TREMENDOUS SUPPORT--WE LOVE YOU ALL.

Happy Birthday

Okay gang.... this is Niki and I have been given the opportunity to share that Jer is sitting in a chair as I am writing this. I just received a text from Joelle and she said that with the help of the therapists he is up sitting in a chair, he is not sitting comfortably but he is sitting up. I have to say that this is a pretty darn good birthday present.

I also have been given the duty of sharing some delicate information. Some of you that have been reading this may or may not be ready to hear what I am going to tell you all. I am sharing this info with you to help put any rumors to rest and so that we all can start to heal, understand and move on from here. Jeremy's diagnosis is "incomplete paraplegia" What this means is that Jeremy does have sensation of his lower extremities,but does not have movement.We are not sure if Jer will regain movement... and if he does what kind of function he will have. We are told by his neurosurgeon that it is unlikely for Jeremy to walk again. We are trying to remain hopeful and positive, and part of that means understanding what we are up against.

Paraplegia is paralysis from the waist down. He does have good movement of his upper extremities. The orthopedic doctor said that he can put weight on his right leg but can't put weight on his left leg, at this point because of the pin on that side of his pelvis. Jeremy is ready to start rehab and get going on his healing process.

Jeremy has orders that allow him to be moved to the 7th floor and out of ICU, but as of 3pm today he was still in ICU because there are not beds available on the other floor. Val came in today between classes and washed his hair, and shaved his face, so that Jer looks like the Jer that we are used to seeing. His IV fluids have been stopped and each time something is stopped or taken off it means that we are moving forward.

Please stay tuned to this blog for information on upcoming benefits that are being planned. As I find out more info on these I will pass it along. For those of you that have asked or are wondering Jeremy did not health insurance through the farm or as a bus driver. As some of you may also be aware Jeremy's enlistment with the military was complete July 30th of this year. Please continue sending Jer your thoughts and prayers, they are truly appreciated.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Hi All: Today was another busy one for Jer--although they didn't do anything new, he had a lot of company (Fire Dept. members) and family--he enjoyed seeing everyone even though it tires him out--he can't believe how tiring it is to just lay on your back. He still hasn't been sat up for anything other than xrays. He did get to eat today--first time since Thurs. at 4 (as he informed us). There is a chance that he might be moved to the floor tonight, but they don't know for sure--they don't like to move them to the floor with a spinal drain in, so if they don't need the trauma bed, they will leave him in ICU for another day or two. I am going to do my best to make his birthday a good one, but not sure what we can do for/with him. The Fire Dept. did bring a balloon today, and that brightens his room some! As we continue to move ahead, we will keep you posted. Again, I can't emphasize enough how much the prayers/concern mean to us! As a number of you have said, the Prayers from Schuyler Co. seem to be pretty powerful so I am holding the faith that it will remain the same now!! Thanks again. Love to all of you.

Good morning

We have all been so wrapped up in Jeremy's injuries, but I really want everyone to remember that Zach is a part of this too, and he will need the emotional support as much as Jeremy! He is beginning to get a grasp on all this, but he still has an issue with "hurting Jer", so please keep him in your prayers also--God knows that we don't need him being down too--we all need him for not only his strength, but he is "my other son" and Ron will need him as time goes on (both emotionally and to take up where Jer left off). We will keep everyone posted as the days go on, and hopefully when we get to the hospital, we will have more info to report.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday night

Hi all: I want to say that I (and the whole family) appreciate all the prayers that are being lifted for Jeremy and us. His day today was a busy one--they extubated him which allowed us to communicate with him, they put in a greenfield filter to help collect any clots that might be floating around in his system, they moved him, pictured him and just plain pestered him all day! He had a lot of friends come to show support, and of course the family was there. Tonight, he instructed his father and I to go to Niki's house to get some sleep--I'm sure he knew that we slept in the waiting room last night (real comfortable chairs--yeah right). He said that he just wanted to get a good nights sleep and be ready for tomorrow. When Ron left the nurse indicated that they are going to try and get him to his regular room tomorrow, and out of ICU which will be wonderful! The prognosis still has not changed from the original, but we are all coming to terms with it, and also realize that miracles happen every day and that maybe it's our turn! Of course, the surgeons are saying that time will tell once the swelling has gone away and he starts getting some therapy. I will keep you posted, or Jeremy might even decide to take over his own blog if he gets to his room tomorrow. Again, time will tell! Just be assured that we REALLY APPRECIATE ALL THAT EVERYONE IS DOING FOR US AND FOR YOUR PRAYERS! Love to you all--Carm

More Updates

Just to let you know that I left the hospital this afternoon around 230pm. I had stopped in to see Jer just before I left he was awake and talking a small amount, he had just returned from surgery to place a filter in his femoral artery to prevent any bloodclots. His spirits seem to be good.
Any correspondence for Jeremy can be directed to Jeremy Hoffman C/O Chris Hoyt 4973 CR14 Odessa NY 14869. Jeremy's Birthday is on Monday, We will be sending all letters received to him as they come in. Once again Thank you for all your prayers.

Just cant say thank you enough

I checked the site this morning and was overwhelmed by the support that all of you are giving the family, we could not be more fortunate to have friends and a community like all of you. The prayers and support as you know are very important and we cannot even begin to tell you how much they mean to us. Niki and Tim have been gracious enough to let us "shack up" at their home. We are close to the hospital and that means so much. No new info on Jer's condition as of yet but I wanted to let you all know how much we appreciate all of your support.
Chris and the entire Hoffman family.

Friday night

Hey everybody... This is Niki and I just wanted to Thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We have not recieved the news that we were hoping or praying for, but we wanted to say Thanks! We truly appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, and offers of help in whatever you have offered. What we would like to say is please keep us in your thoughts, not just today or tomorrow but definately in the weeks and months to come. We are going to need alot of assistance in the coming weeks and months. Jeremy is currently sedated, intubated and well medicated. We expect him to remain intubated for the next couple of days and then start to wake him up and see where we truly are. When Jer left Arnot this morning he was awake, alert and oriented, very aware of what was going on. Please keep us in your your thoughts and prayers and we will all talk or see you soon. Currently Jeremy is in ICU and the policy is for visitors to be family only. We will be conveneing basically at Niki and Tim's house and any questions can b e directed there. Our phone number is 315-488-8032, we will have the answering maching on and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Again Thanks!!! We love you all. Niki

Friday, October 19, 2007

Post Operative Report

Back with you after the surgery and the doctors are saying that the prognosis is not good but EVERYONE must remain optimistic and hopeful, this is going to be a LONG ROAD for everyone! Keep the prayers coming our way!
Thats all for tonight
Thanks for the continued support!

Catching you up on everything!

Hi All,
Thanks for all the prayer and calls, we all appreciate everyones concern. As most or all of you know Jeremy and Zach were in a serious Accident on Thursday night around 11:30pm. From the scene Jeremy was flown by Guthrie Air to Arnot Ogden Medical Center in Elmira where he underwent many tests, the injuries that were found are as follows: A fractured pelvis and multiple vertebral fractures as well as some very colorful bruises, abrasions, and scrapes. The Arnot staff was "WONDERFUL" they were very concerned about Jers injuries, but were somewhat optimistic for a full recovery. At 9:30am he was loaded into Mercy Flight Central out of Syracuse (Niki's Base), and brought to Syracuse's Upstate Medical Center. He went into surgery at approximately 1pm to repair his fractured pelvis, as well as the vertebrea. Niki and Carm have been at the Hospital in Syracuse since 3pm Friday, and at about 4pm Dr. Grose (an orthopedic surgeon) came out to tell us about Jer's first stage of surgery. They pinned and plated his broken pelvis and gave him a unit of blood. The Doctor was happy with the way surgery went and has hopes that the pelvis will heal quickly. At this point he is still in surgery to correct the spinal injuries, the surgery is expected to take a number of hours, maybe up to 5. Other than these injuries he has some minor injuries, pulmonary contusions, scrapes and a few lacerations all of which are expected due the the mechanism of injury.
We are having a difficult time finding an internet connection but will update things as often as possible. We expect Ron and Chris this evening; Joelle, Zach and Allysa all joined Carm and Niki in Syracuse in the afternoon.
Zach is doing well, he has a severely sprained left wrist, and is very sore, but physically he is doing ok. We are feeling very fortunate that both boys are young, strong, and will heal quickly.
As we get information and/or find wireless computer access we will continue to update you, of course the prayers will be important and very appreciated

All of Jers family

Arrived safely at Upstate Medical

Hello Everyone,
I am really new at this so it may take a little bit of time to get used to but I will start by saying that Jeremy has made it to upstate Medical Center where they are currently taking more pictures (x-rays) and doing a whole new work up of there own. We will be on a little later to do a better update and to give you the details of the accident and injuries.
Bye for now